The Clinton Presidential Library offers a variety of online educational experiences for elementary, middle, and high school classes for 10 or more students in the same grade. In addition, the library provides in-person and virtual professional development workshops for educators. All programs for students and teachers are free.

Follow us on Facebook   or Twitter   for updates. Visit our support partner, the Clinton Foundation  to learn about additional virtual opportunities for students and teachers.


Arkansas Civic Education Institute

Commemorating America 250: Revolutionary Records, Part I (1776 - 1901)

The ACEI curriculum is designed to serve Arkansas teachers, grades 4 - 12.  The institute will be held in person at the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum from June 23-27. Arkansas teachers who attend the full institute will receive 30 hours of ADE approved professional development credit. Participation is free and lunch is provided daily. Lodging is available for a limited number of participants who live more than 50 miles from Little Rock. Applications  must be submitted by 11:59 pm March 14, 2025. Applicants will be notified on or before April 11, 2025. Additional information will be provided upon acceptance to ACEI 2025.

This project is supported in part by a grant from HumanitiesAR and the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Workshops Available Upon Request

To schedule one of these workshops, please email our Education Department.

“What is a Presidential Library?”

Participants will learn about the resources available through the National Archives and the Presidential Libraries including programming available for students at the Clinton Presidential Library.

Teachers will receive three hours professional development credit.

"President Clinton and Arkansas"

President Clinton’s Arkansas childhood is explored through a primary source analysis activity. Artifacts and photographs are compared to excerpts from his autobiography, My Life.

Teachers will receive two hours Arkansas History professional development credit.