Image The Economics of the Film Industry in Arkansas with Economics Arkansas and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission September 10th 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Teachers will examine the economic impact of the film industry in Arkansas. Film Commissioner Christopher Crane will present on the Digital Motion Picture Incentive program of the Economic Development Development Commission. Economics Arkansas will provide resources and model classroom activities connected to the creative economy in Arkansas. Participants will also have an opportunity to explore our new temporary exhibit Commanding the Screen: the American Presidency through Film and Television. This free in person workshop is open to all educators. Arkansas teachers will receive two hours of professional development credit. Register Teacher Film Study Series September - January 4 pm - 5 pm Teachers are invited to watch a selection of films featured in “Commanding the Screen: The American Presidency in Film and Television” on their own then participate in discussion sessions with guest presenters from other Presidential Libraries and historic sites. This free virtual series is open to all educators. Arkansas teachers will receive one hour of professional development credit per session. Register * Lincoln presentation will be held in person at 6 pm. Teachers are invited to view the exhibit prior to the program. ** Bonus in person session at the Macarthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, 6:30 pm screening of the 2003 National Geographic documentary “The Search For Kennedy's PT 109” (55 min). 9/24/24 - Amistad 10/22/24 - Lincoln* 11/21/24 - 13 Days 12/10/24 - LBJ 1/14/25 - Nixon 2/18/24- PT-109 (1963)** Executive Power and the Modern Presidency with Teaching American History September 30th 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Teachers will examine the questions and controversies about executive power under the Constitution including the war power, treaty power, and the power to issue executive orders, and discuss whether those powers, exercised today are consistent with the original understanding of the President's role or if those powers constitute a necessary departure from the Constitution. This free in person workshop is open to all educators. Arkansas teachers will receive six hours of professional development credit. Register Advise the President: Deliberation and Decision Making October 8th and October 17th 4 pm - 5pm Teachers will learn about deliberation, decision making, and the latest issue guide in the Advise the President series. Economics Arkansas will model an activity and provide a free resource related to the activity. Participants will also receive a set of all six Advise the President booklets, representing five presidential administrations - Truman, Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton. This free virtual session is designed for middle and high school educators. Arkansas teachers who attend on 10/8 or 10/17 will receive one hour of professional development credit. Register for 10/8 Register for 10/17 Image Image Teaching the Holocaust with the Arkansas Holocaust Education Committee and the Arkansas Holocaust Education Award Donation October 26th 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Teachers will learn about the Arkansas legislation that requires the annual teaching of the Holocaust in 5th through 12th grades and designates the last week in January as Holocaust Education week. Presenters, including the Roosevelt Presidential Library education specialist, will model teaching strategies with primary sources materials and provide classroom resources. This free in person workshop is open to all educators. Lunch will be provided. Arkansas teachers who attend the full day will receive six hours of professional development credit. Register