“[The Technology Revolution] is a powerful, sweeping transformation … but we can already see its potential: Giving millions of Americans the opportunity to join in the enterprise of building our nation.”

–President Clinton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Commencement, June 5, 1998

As the 21st century approached, the pace of scientific discovery continued to accelerate. Under President Clinton, the federal government supported scientists by providing increased funding for their

Mars Rover vehicle

endeavors, including their work in new frontiers of science such as biomedical research and nanotechnology. In 2000, President Clinton announced the completion of the Human Genome Project, which produced a map of human genetic code.

President Clinton also recognized that a technological revolution was underway with the potential to drive economic growth. His administration encouraged the spread of the Internet and worked to create a legal environment that would allow online commerce to flow freely. President Clinton believed that new technology should narrow, not widen social and economic gaps between people. He took action to bridge the digital divide, connecting schools and libraries to the Internet, and providing funding for community technology centers in low income areas.

This exhibit alcove includes various documents and objects relating to science and technology during the Clinton years, including the Telecommunications Act of 1996, an e-mail sent to President Clinton by Senator John Glenn from an orbiting spacecraft in 1998, and a display of two personal computers from 1993 and 2000.

Highlighted Object from the Exhibit: Model of Mars Pathfinder Rover used to explore the planet’s surface.